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Marina Dune Preserve Restoration

Restore native dune strand and coastal scrub species to enhance resilience of the Preserve in Marina, CA.

The Marina Dunes Preserve is part of the larger Monterey Bay coastal dune complex that spans from Moss Landing to Seaside, CA. This site was formerly the home to a sand mining operation until 1983 and a recreational spot for off-road vehicles. In 1988, the Monterey Peninsula Parks District purchased the property to enhance and restore natural habitat conditions and protect public access to the seashore.

Restoration activities include control and eradication of non-native species, sand stabilization, and revegetation efforts. Revegetation of native species includes the collection of site-specific seed, broadcast seeding, hydroseeding, and the outplanting of propagated seedlings.

Structural improvements activities include fencing to protect restored areas and delineate pathways. Interpretive signage is also proposed to educate visitors about the native dune habitat and inform passersby that restored areas are off limits. Once restored, maintenance and monitoring to specific performance criteria is to be conducted to assess continued progression towards a diverse and sustainable dune community.

Current restoration plan summary:

Return of the Natives, K-college community supported vegetation restoration video:

Project Partners:
Monterey Peninsula Regional Parks District - Marine Preserve Land Steward
Return of the Natives - A CSU Monterey Bay-based community environmental education program dedicated to involving K-college students in habitat restoration.
2020 Restoration action plan contractor - Burleson Consulting Inc/Terracon
2005 Dune habitat restoration plan - Native Solutions

Project Status


Point of Contact

The Monterey Peninsula Parks District

Project Website


Climate-Smart Conservation of Beaches and Dunes for Western Snowy Plover Recovery in Monterey Bay

March 11, 2022

Climate-Smart Conservation of Beaches and Dunes for Western Snowy Plover Recovery in Monterey Bay


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