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Phase 2 Plan for Surfer's Pt. Ventura

The Phase 1 shoreline project at Surfer's Point was constructed from 2020 through 2011. The proposed Phase 2 design was approved by the California Coastal Commission in April 2021 and reflects a continued design collaboration between the City of Ventura, the 31st Agricultural District Fair Board, and other stakeholders.

Proposed activities to the tidelands portions of the project site include the extension of the cobble berm and vegetated sand dunes and revisions to landscaping plan. The additional proposed cobble and sand dunes recognize changes along the beach that have occurred since the original project was permitted and are designed to further minimize erosion.

Other Phase 2 activities include the partial realignment of Shoreline Drive, reconfiguration of public access amenities, and the reconfiguration of the public parking lot.

The April 14, 2021 California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit (CDP) proposed amendment report outlines the Phase 2 design and activities for this living shoreline project.


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